Good Vibes for Kids COURSE 2

1- Healthy Habits (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
Why eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle is important. We discuss ‘Simple ways to Move your Body’, ‘Exercise’ and ‘Eating Well’.


2- Liking your own company (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
Why it is important to like your own company, how this affects your feelings and how you get to liking your own company.


3- Who are your friends? – Positive Friendships (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
We get you to reflect on the sort of friends you have by asking you certain questions and we get into why it is important to have positive friendships.


4- Cooperation (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
What cooperation is and how we can cooperate in any environment.

5- Encouraging Others –What it takes to be a young leader (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
We discuss the TOP 6 qualities  found in a Good Leader.


6- Goal Setting (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
What are goals and we talk about the different steps to take for ‘Goal Setting’.


7- The secret to your success (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)

After everything you have learnt we brainstorm what you think the secret to your success is now? We go through a series of motivational quotes which help encourage success.


8- Assessment Review


9- Certificate


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