Good Vibes for Kids COURSE 3


1- Manners and politeness (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
We go through the difference between ‘Manners’ and ‘Politeness’ and why they are important.


2- Listening – what does this mean? (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
What does listening actually mean and the importance of listening.


3- Being a true friend – what is a true friend (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
We talk about what a true friend really is and the qualities they possess.


4- Positive VS Negative (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
We discuss what it looks like, sounds like and feels like to be ‘positive’ and the same for being ‘negative’. Which one we prefer to be and why / prefer to be around. We also discuss how to help other people who tend to be ‘negative’.


5- Assertiveness – sticking up for your beliefs (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
What ‘Assertiveness’ means and why it is a good quality to have. How we can be ‘assertive’ without coming across as negative.

6- Making Good Choices (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
How we can make good choices and what happens when we make positive choices.


7- Lending a helping hand and using initiative (15min lesson VIDEO CLIP + Material)
What does ‘initiative’ mean, where can e show initiative and why it is important to show initiative and help others.


8- Assessment Review


9- Certificate


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